Step 3
We are moving towards the coursework. How do you put your project description in one pitch? We reformulate the deliveries from Step 1 and Step 2 in an informal problem statement.
The seminar
- The warm-up 5-minute test
- Singular values decomposition and tensor product with demo
- The second slide and the third slide
- Homework discussion
Step 3 YouTube video
- For your selected project write the motivational part using this template for Step 3.
- Download the link to your homework here.
- Also, Step 2 homework reminder
- Refresh in your memory the Bayesian Statistics, see either:
- Covariance Matrix, Multivariate Normal Distribution, Generalized Linear Model, Ridge Regression, Bayesian inference
- the book by C.P. Bishop, Chapter 1.
Schemes for the second slide
Scheme 1
- Problem to research
- Method
- Contribution
Scheme 2
- Problem to solve
- Problem statement
- Soluton
Scheme 3
- Goal
- Alternatives
- Choise reasoning
Transcript of the video
Appears after the seminar.