Step 6
This module explains how to select a research project. Scientific research is a highly risky activity, so we manage the risks through careful planning. We start with the result review. What does the project deliver? We discuss fundamental research, which delivers principles and methods and applied research, which delivers models and experiments. This delivery is presented to the research society and the consumers of our results. We discuss what exactly society expects from our research.
The format is important. How are your qualifications and your research results related?
- Can you put a paper to defense as a thesis? Yes.
- Can you submit a thesis as a paper? No.
The seminar
- The warm-up 5-minute test
The model selection problem statementThe Bayesian inference- Requirements for the qualification projects
- The comparative way of project selection
Step 6 YouTube video
There is no value in the option of a person who has no alternatives.
- Pick up three (!) projects and make a comparative analysis. The perspective for the analysis is:
- The impact of your project
- The consistency
- The novelty
- My contribution
- The project focus
- Which project has the highest priority for you and why?
- Fill in the form in your repository. Or the link to the file.
- Put the link to your analysis here, Step-6.
Mind the direct and comparative ways to answer these questions.