Step 7
"If I have seen further, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants", – Isaac Newton wrote this in a letter in 1675.
We establish a solid foundation for our research to deliver results of better quality and higher impact with less effort. This foundation comprises essentials, overviews, state-of-the-art, and alternatives to our solution. Not to mention the supplementary materials like references to the algorithms and data in your computational experiment.
The seminar
- [The warm-up 5-minute test]
- The model selection problem statement
- The Bayesian inference
- How to read papers and gather references
- Buidling the comparative table
Step 7 YouTube []
Each solution to your problem has its pros and cons. List them all.
- Collect references for your project according to the plan.
- Put them into the .bib using JabRef or another tool that generates the bibliographic record using doi.
- Analyse each solution's pros and cons according to the project's quality criteria.
- Put the short version of your analysis in the table.
- Fill in the table in your repository.
- Put the link to your analysis here, Step-7.
While completing the table, remember the formula for an engineering project description: "We propose a solution that offers a unique feature, distinguishing it from other solutions." Of course, each part needs an explanation.