- Title: Machine learning Model selection for biomedical signals
- Speaker: Vadim Strizhov
- Date: December 2nd
- Abstract: We model spatial-time series: audio-video streams and brain signals like EEC, ECoG, and IMU from wearable devices. The practical application is human motion analysis for health monitoring. We discuss a forecasting model to approximate phase trajectories. Since this kind of data is highly correlated, the model selection is a fruitful way to obtain a simple, stable, and accurate model. To optimize the model structure, we use a quadratic programming problem statement. To set the criterion of optimality, we use Bayesian inference.
- Speaker's short bio: Vadim Strizhov is a professor at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. He graduated with PhD (2002) and DSc (2014) degrees in Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science from the Russian Academy of Sciences. His research field is AI and Machine Learning, Bayesian Model Selection, and Functional Data Analysis with applications to Brain-Computer Interfaces and biomedical signals. He is the chief editor of the journal "Machine Learning and Data Analysis." His educational Youtube channel "Machine Learning Phystech" holds 1200 hours of monthly watch time. In 2020 he received Yandex' Segalovich award for his impact on scientific community development in CIS countries.