The Art of Scientific Research

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The Art of Scientific Research

This is a preparatory course for the main part of m1p.

The student's response-based syllabus

  1. We start
  2. Prepare your tools
  3. Check the foundations
  4. Describe your system
  5. Write the abstract
  6. Write the intro
  7. Review the paper
  8. Deliver a message
  9. Your one-slide talk
  10. Blind management game
  11. List your ideas
  12. List the foundations
  13. Suggest an impactful theorem
  14. Review for your topic
  15. Good, bad, ugly: tell the difference
  16. Tell about a scientific society

Similar courses

  1. Around

Main references

  1. Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory for Computer Science and Machine Learning by Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance, 2024. pdf, github (2196 pages)


Check and develop your typing skills