Step 10
From Research management course
We are approaching our goal of responsible project planning. The final item is planning and discussing the computational experiment. The error analysis is crucial in building a solid background for our machine-learning model. Visualizing the results of this analysis delivers information to our readers in a comprehensible and persuasive way.
Motivation for the computational experiment planning:
„Глядя на лошадиные морды и лица людей, на безбрежный живой поток, поднятый моей волей и мчащийся в никуда по багровой закатной степи, я часто думаю: где я в этом потоке?“ — Чингисхан (В. Пелевин «Чапаев и Пустота»)
The seminar
- The warm-up 5-minute test
- Computational experiment and visualizing
- Homework discussion
- Project description discussion
- Final talk announcement
Step 9 YouTube video
Prepare the coursework: the slides and your talk.
- Use the template for your slides
- See the examples
- Load a link to your slides in the form