Week 1
From m1p.org
The goal of this week is to set up your tools, and to select your project.
Set the toolbox
- Install the LaTeX compiler: MikTeX for Windows, TeX Live for Linux, and Mac OS. Sign up OverLeaf.
- Install the editor TeXnic Center or WinEdt for Windows, TeXworks for Linux, and TeXmaker for Mac OS.
- Read Introduction to LATEX by Oetker et al., 2023 or (Ru Львовский С.М..
- Download the paper template and compile it. You need two files: .tex and .bib
- Read BibTeX on Wiki.
- See an example of a bibliographic database
- and an example of a bibliographic record.
- Create your draft LinkReview with an example.
- Install bibliographic collection software JabRef.
- Sign up GitHub.
- Set your address and login as: Name.Surname or Name-Surname.
- Thake a step in GitHub introduction and look through the GitHub docs.
- Download Desktop.GitHub, or use the command line CLI to synchronize your project.
- Read the slides (Ru) Version Control System.
- Send your login name to your group coordinator to join /github.com/intsystems.
- Install Python Anaconda,
- install PyCharm or Visual Studio,
- try Google Colab.
- Look through Codestyle pep8.
To be informed of the variety of programming languages try one of the following online compiles: Matlab, Mathematica, the Julia language, the R project.
Select your project
- Look through the list of projects (Spring 2025).
- Find public information about the experts and consultants.
- Select your projects during the group discussion.
- Wait for confirmation from you group coordinator of your student group.
- Politely write your consultant and discuss your project.
- Fill in the questionnaire of Week 1: Imagine and plan a project
- Rigorously follow the guide of Section Select your project
- Take the steps of Section Set the toolbox
- Write your coordinator and get access to the GitHub repositories
- Open your notebook in the LinkReview format to gather your notes, thoughts, and references about your project.
References to catch up
- Pattern recognition and machine learning by C.P. Bishop, or the version on Deep Learning, 2024
- Information Theory, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks by D. MackKay, 2009
- A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers by Osvaldo Simeone, 2018
- Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms by Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David, 2014
- Mathematics for Machine Learning by M. Peter et al.
- Mathematics for Physicists by Alexander Altland & Jan von Delf, 2017
- Python notes for professionals by GoalKicker.com Free Programming Books
- Computer Mathematics by D.J. Cooke and H.E. Bez, 1984 (Ru Кук, Бейз)