Week 1
From m1p.org
Set the toolbox
- Editors. Install LaTeX: MikTeX for Windown, TeX Live for Linux, and for Mac OS. Sign up V2 OverLeaf ShareLaTeX.
- Install the editor TeXnic Center or its alternative WinEdt for Windows, TeXworks for Linux, and TeXmakerfor Mac OS.
- Read LaTeX on MachineLearning (Ru).
- Useful: Wikibooks LaTeX, К.В.Воронцов. LaTeX2e в примерах (Ru).
- Editors. Install LaTeX: MikTeX for Windown, TeX Live for Linux, and for Mac OS. Sign up V2 OverLeaf ShareLaTeX.
- Install the editor TeXnic Center or its alternative WinEdt for Windows, TeXworks for Linux, and TeXmakerfor Mac OS.
- Read LaTeX on MachineLearning (Ru).
- Useful: Wikibooks LaTeX, К.В.Воронцов. LaTeX2e в примерах.
- Read Львовский С.М. Набор и верстка в системе LaTeX (Ru).
- Note Мильчин А.Э. Чельцова Л.К. Справочник издателя и автора (Ru).
- Download the paper template, ZIP and compile it.
- References. Read BibTeX.
- Install bibliographic collection software JabRef (can be postponed).
- Communications. Sign up GitHub.
- Important: address and login like Name.Surname or Name-Surname (it depends on system conventions) is welcome.
- Introductory sliders on Version Control System.
- Introduction to GitHub.
- The first steps in GitHub.
- Download a shell: Desktop.GitHub, or use a command line to synchronise your project.
- Sign up MachineLearning.ru. Send your login name to your coordinator or to mlalgorithms [at] gmail [dot] com.
- Create your page example.
- Programming. Install Python Anaconda, PyCharm (alternative Visual Studio), Notebook online Google.Colab.
- Development for ML: PyTorch
- Style formatting: Codestyle pep8
- Add. As alternative install and try Matlab (MIPT provides free version), (alternative Octave), R-project, Wofram Mathematica.
- Add. Read with pleasure Кутателадзе С. С. Советы эпизодическому переводчику and Сосинский А. Б. Как написать математическую статью по-английски (Ru).
If you are waiting for a project (674, 774)
- Write four lines: a goal and motivation (what and why?) for any project you believe worth noting. Refer to Projects.
If you have your own project (part of 774)
- Please connect your advisor or consultant and write your project description as it shown in the Projects.
- Slides for week 0.
- Video for week 0.
- [Slides for week 1].
- [Video for week 1].
- Short course description.
References to catch up
- A Brief Introduction to Machine Learning for Engineers by Osvaldo Simeone, 2017-2018
- Understanding Machine Learning: From Theory to Algorithms by Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shai Ben-David, 2014
- Mathematics for Machine learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong
- Mathematics for Physicists: Introductory Concepts and Methods by Alexander Altland & Jan von Delf
- Python notes for professionals by GoalKicker.com Free Programming Books.
- Лагутин М.Б. Наглядная математическая статистика, М.: Бином, 2009. См. также вырезку (Ru)
- Bishop C.P. Pattern recognition and machine learning, Berlin: Springer, 2008
- MackKay D. Information Theory, Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks, Inference.org.uk, 2009