Week 2
From Research management course
The goal of this week is comprehend the main goal of your project and write about it.
Select your project (Spring 2022)
To select your project:
- Look through the list of projects.
- Find information about the experts and consultants.
- Select your projects in [1].
- Wait for confirmation from ...
- Put confirmed topics to the Group table
- Write your consultant (politely).
A: Abstract
Write a draft of your abstract. Think of a motivation. The abstract shall not exceed 600 characters. It may contain:
- wide-range field of the investigated problem,
- narrow problem to focus on,
- features and conditions of the problem,
- the novelty (please not exaggerate),
- application to illustrate with (put the results here later).
Land your project
- Обсудить с консультантом проект, понять цели, задачи, проблемы.
- Найти в организации https://github.com/Intelligent-Systems-Phystech репозиторий своего проекта или создать его с названием формата Project-N или через акроним проекта, примеры.
- Записать ссылку на репозиторий to the Group table.
- Create the folder structure:
- docs,
- code,
- data,
- [figs].
- Put the direct link to the paper in the table, so that everyone could access it.
- Rename article.tex to Surname2020Title.tex
- Check the both .tex and .pdf files are downloaded.
- Fill the readme.md file in the github project.
- (Если проект продолжающийся) Создать личную папку в репозитории проекта, название в формате Surname2018Title.
- Поместить файл (из ДЗ 1) с шаблоном статьи в личную папку, название в формате Surname2018Title.tex.
- Записать ссылку на файл PDF с текстом статьи to the Group table on Machinelearning.ru в таблицу.
- Совет: копируйте ссылку как адрес кнопки Download файла PDF, который находится в репозитории.
- Создать документ-черновик обзора литературы формата LinkReview, поставить на него ссылку to the Group table on Machinelearning.ru в таблицу.
- Рекомендуется кроме литературы заносить в LinkReview ссылки на источники данных, на код и библиотеки.
- Совет: создать групповой чат.
L: Literature
We use the LinkReview draft format to share our evanescent ephemeral ideas and impressions we have during the literature reading.
- Collect the list of references including:
- state-of-the-art reviews, tutorials,
- fundamental solutions to the problem,
- the basic algorithm to solve your problem,
- alternative algorithms,
- [changes in the research directions],
- data sets and experiments,
- the papers that use these data sets
- applications of the results,
- names of researchers, who solve this problem,
- their students and teams,
- those, who refer to their works.
- Balance the list of the new and well-known works.
- Keep up-to date the list of keywords to search with.
- Continuously fill your LinkReview.
- Plan Introduction (see the next todo list), namely collect:
- keywords as the basic termini; those who brigs good search results are useful,
- what the paper devoted to,
- the investigated problem,
- the central idea,
- literature review,
- the authors' contribution.
B: Beginner's-talk
Short 45-second introductory talk. Plan of the talk:
- The project goal. What is the motivation, the goal to reach?
- The main idea. What is the message?
- The expected result. What is your delivery, your impact, novelty?
There is no time to show a slide or draw a plot on the blackboard. It is recommended to rehearse the report. Week 3 starts with your talk.
- Slides for week 2.
- [Video for week 2].
- Bibliographic databases
- The Collection of Computer Science Bibliographies
- List of academic databases and search engines in Wikipedia
- Refer to BibTeX in Wikipedia
- An introduction updated after a peer-review.
- Examples of rewiev-and-planning drafts LinkReview раз, два.
- Демотиватор про Карлсона
- How to Read a Paper, 2016, S. Keshav
Советы по пользованию репозиторием
- GitHub: клонируйте мастер и заливайте правки в него, если работаете только со своим кодом. См. краткое руководство по работе с GitHub.
- Update first, Commit after (Pull first, Push after)
- Your own work only, no external publications
- No big files (put link to external datasets)
- No temporary nor dummy files
Прочитать, чем отличается branch от fork