This demo shows how to deal with the different hypothesis on data generation. The data generation hypothesis here is an assumption about the link function. We have a synthetic model and three link functions. We generate a sinthetic noise, denerated according to the correspondent hypothesis and to the link function. The problem is to find the model parameters and recover the dependent variable of the regression.
Make a synthetic data set
N = 1000; % independent variable x = linspace(-1,1,N)'; % the model f = inline('[x.^2, x.^3, exp(x)]','x'); %$X = [x.^2 x.^3 exp(x)]; % model coefficients b0 = [-1.5, -2, +1.3]';% + 7 ; % make the dependent variable X = f(x); y0 = X*b0;
The normal distribution and the identity link function
distr='normal'; link='identity'; % append noise to the dependent variable y = X*b0 + normrnd(0,1,N,1); % recover the dependent variable b = glmfit(X,y,distr) y1 = glmval(b, X, link); % plot the results h = figure; hold on plot(x,y,'.'); plot(x,y1); plot(x,y0,'r-'); legend('source data', 'recovered function', 'initial function'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title('distribution is normal, link is identitiy'); saveas(h,'demo_GLM_1.png','png'); close(h);
b = 0.3082 -1.4866 -1.5041 1.0358
The gamma distribution and the reciprocal link function
distr='gamma'; % link='log'; link='reciprocal'; % the link function is reciprocal, gInverse == g g = inline('1./Xb', 'Xb'); mu = g(X*b0); % assign the distribution parameters shape = 10.0; scale = mu/shape; % generate gamma distributed values with the given mean values y = gamrnd(shape,scale); b = glmfit(X,y,distr, 'link', link) y1 = glmval(b, X, link); % plot the results h = figure; hold on plot(x,g(y),'.'); plot(x,g(y1)); plot(x,y0,'r-'); legend('source data', 'recovered function', 'initial function'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title('distribution is gamma, link is reciprocal'); saveas(h,'demo_GLM_2.png','png'); close(h);
b = -0.0894 -1.4666 -2.1322 1.3678
The normal distribution and the custom link function
distr='normal'; FL = inline('x.^.5'); FD = inline('.5*x.^-0.5'); FI = inline('x.^2'); link = {FL FD FI}; % append noise to the dependent variable Mu = 17; % see the link and inverse link functions y = FI(X*b0 + normrnd(Mu,1,N,1)) ; % recover the dependent variable b = glmfit(X,y,distr, 'link', link) y1 = glmval(b, X, link); % plot the results h = figure; hold on plot(x,FL(y),'.'); plot(x,FL(y1)); plot(x,y0+Mu,'r-'); legend('source data', 'recovered function', 'initial function'); xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); title('distribution is gamma, link is y^{1/2}'); saveas(h,'demo_GLM_3.png','png'); close(h);
b = 17.2253 -1.4887 -1.7157 1.1815